Full circle

impact solutions

We are passionate about effectively and efficiently generating impact.

We leverage people, process, and tools to continue to evolve and support the social sector.

Our mission is to provide values-aligned solutions that center justice, equity, and learning.


Our expertise. Your impact.



Our work begins with humans. What are your pain points? How can we leverage current skill sets for greater impact? Can we help align daily work more closely with the organization's mission and vision? Humans drive strategy and we are here to support strategic weaving of people, process, and tools into an impact generating ecosystem.


This is where the rubber meets the road. What values are communicated in current process and practice? How can we align organizational vision with approaches for deeper  values alignment and efficient impact generation? With a clear articulation of where we are and where we want to go, we can begin revising SOPs and vetting tools to support process.


Tools mirror and underscore organizational process. Tools are not a panacea, but a necessary component to assessing and generating impact. Tools are value-communication channels. Effective use of technology tools is dependent on the competency of the people navigating the tool and process. We are here to help upskill and ensure a good fit for your impact generation goals.


Rachel Kimber

Nonprofit Executive.

Technology Futurist.

Blanch vance

Equity Advocate.

Process Strategist.


AI Workshops

fC Migration Planning

Equity in Grantmaking Practices

Values Aligned Process and UX

Oral and Alternate Reporting

Networking, Power, Persuasion Curriculum

Upskilling Staff

Psychologically Safe and Inclusive Facilitation


grantmaking refresh plan


Schedule an exploratory call with us. We aspire to  identify people and process solutions that are supported by tech tools.


Develop a digest summary of what we observe is working well and what needs attention and a refresh.


Schedule cohort calls to complete a deeper dive into the refresh areas we have identified.


Share recommendations based on our learning and exploration of areas ripe for refreshing.


Collaboratively develop the scope of work for the first round of refresh updates. We prefer an iterative and phased approach.


Deliver a tactical roadmap to begin moving from itent to action on your grantmaking refresh.

Contact us

